Scary Story: The Begining

Home is where I am.
You are not with me.
My home is scary.
I see a skeleton.
I run.
It's coming out of the closet.
I knew it was gay.
Now it's popping out of the closet.
Oh no!
It's raping me!
Dear Jesus Lord of my ass hole.
He is done raping my ass.
I am sore.
I'm going into the basement.
He isn't there.
I'm running into a wall.
He found me.
He tells me to pull my pants down.
I do it.
He puts his bony dick in my urethra.
It hurts.
He puts it in and then out.
He cums in it.
I give birth to a masterball.
A Mew pops out.
It raps the skeleton.
The skeleton rapes the Mew.
They give birth simultaneously.
They give birth to a pineapple.
They look at me.
They whip out their dicks.
The Skeleton puts it in my butt.
The Mew puts it in my eyeball.
They thrust.
My parents walk in.
The skeleton puts it's dick through their hearts.
They die.
The skeleton looks at me.
It grabs my meaty ass.
It rapes it.
The skeleton cums.
I grab the skeletons dick.
I rip it off.
I throw it at the Mew.
It dies.
I run away.
I go to my room.
I hear a knock at the door.
The skeleton pops out.
The End.